The Magic Toy Shop

We are excited to announce Magic Toyshop Auditions will be held Sunday, September 8th 2013 at the Guilford Community Center, 32 Church Street in Guilford, CT.

  • 1:30-2:00pm 7-9 year olds
  • 2:00-3:00pm 10 and up (We will dismiss the non-pointe dancers and ask some pointe students to return.)

There will be no adult audition. If you are interested or know someone who would be interested you should email the below address by September 14th. There are several adult acting parts available.

Please arrive 15 minutes before your audition time to fill out forms. There is an audition fee of $10. You should arrive in ballet attire with your hair secured. If you do not have ballet attire, arrive in something you can easily move in.

We are also excited to announce there is a new opportunity for cast members and theatre enthusiasts age 10 and up to be the Stage Manager’s intern. If interested, please email below.

Any questions? Email