The Magic Toy Shop

We hope you all took advantage of the best Black Friday Sale EVER!! and Promo Code MAGIC, try it, and see what MAGIC occurs!!!

Now that the craze of shopping is over, it is time to get crazy and wild about the upcoming week of happenings for Magic Toy Shop. Best to rest up, for the best is yet to arrive…

This Sunday will be a full dress rehearsal from 3 TO 7 PM. Please arrive WITH HAIR AND STAGE MAKEUP ALREADY PREPARED and in dance attire. All bags, shoes, clothing, personal items should be placed upstairs. The hallway needs to be clear as if it is showtime.

PLEASE ARRIVE PRIOR TO 3, OR TELL YOUR PARENTS YOU NEED TO BE THERE PRIOR TO 3, OR BE PREPARED TO BRING YOUR DANCER THERE PRIOR TO 3. The phone calls that are placed to tardy and missing dancers consume at least 20 minutes of precious time that should be spent on the show. Yes, you know who you are, and you are taking time away from the show every Sunday, which amounts to – you figure it out. Plan on 2, if it applies.

From 3 to 3:30 p.m. warm up will be led by an adult. If you are ready for warm up prior to 3, please enter the room to stretch.
After warm up, change into your first costume, and ensure that your props have been set, and that your additional costumes are where they should be and that all pieces are accountable for. Cast members with “Quick Changes” please check in with the dressers, and find the area that you will be changing in.

Please do not leave your dancer at rehearsal without having them prepped with their make up, hair done, and additional bobby pins. If the dancer will require assistance into their first costume, please remain to assist them. There are quite a few dancers that head for the snacks before 1 p.m. – it is very important that these dancers are hydrated and have eaten the proper food products, PRIOR to arriving. Nutrition and hydration is extremely important, especially during performance time.

The last hour of rehearsal – WE NEED HELPERS. The “Iron Maidens” party tradition will carry on, and will occur as soon as the dancers shed their costumes. Please bring an iron, ironing board, steamer, febreeze, wrinkle out, or whatever arsenal works for you. We would like to get all of the costumes taken care of Sunday evening to eliminate an additional evening of prepping during the week. Please consider pitching in, the more hands, the quicker it is completed.

And lastly, bobby pins. The mega supply has been depleted. I am requesting that every dancer provide a brand new pack of bobby pins in their hair color, or the color required for their head piece or wig to the dressers this Sunday. 2 packs would be awesome – you have no idea how many the dancers go through, and recycle and reuse is not a good idea show week!!

Any questions please contact the Stage Manager or the Stage Producer, not the Artistic Director.

Looking forward to an amazing week with you all!!