The Magic Toy Shop

It was so exciting to see the show begin to come together last Sunday! Thank you for being attentive and listening to Joyce! She wants everyone to look their best and have fun while doing it, so let’s keep that up on Sunday.

A reminder about props: If it is NOT YOUR PROP, you do not touch it. If you see someone using someone else’s prop when they should not, please tell Amy or Gigi.

Everyone is required to attend from 1:00-5:00pm this week! Marissa is coming to help take notes and keep us on our toes! There will be a brief warm up at 1:00pm. Hopefully we can squeeze 3 run throughs in, but definitely 2!

Other announcements this week include:

******Sandy Connolly will be taking headshots to use in the hallway photo fundraisers! Make sure you get your photo taken with her, but don’t miss any of your dance responsibilities.

*****The Healthy Snack Sale continues this week. Each snack is $1 and it benefits Starship!

****The Rebuzzinis will be selling tickets at the beginning and end of rehearsals again! If you have questions about ticket prices, please click HERE.

***If you have not signed up to supply refreshments during the performance weekend, please email Eileen Limoncelli at or see the email that went out on Tuesday.

**The Flower Sale is back! Kara Engstrom will be collecting your orders at the beginning and end of the rehearsal. More information went out in an email on Wednesday.

*Kim is looking for volunteers to help out on performance weekend at the refreshments table, the flower sale table, as door greeters AND as the ever popular dressers backstage to help our dancers! Sign up sheets will be at the Ticket/Healthy Snack table. PLEASE sign up to help us out!

Stay warm in this chilly weather and get thinking about that holiday spirit!