The Magic Toy Shop


Our show is in a week! WOW!

This coming week every dancer (except Pre Ballets I and II)  must wear a nude leotard (boys-all white) underneath her usual leotard to class. NUDE IS NOT PINK, IT IS FLESH COLORED. Please have a spaghetti strap leotard – the point is for it to blend into your skin as much as possible. Put your nude on first, then tights, then your regular class leotard. NO UNDERWEAR !!! Do not wear underwear. We will be running pieces from the show in class, in costume. Wear the appropriate hair style as well.



Don’t forget to sign up to bring refreshments for our intermission sale and for the cast on Friday night! The sign up sheet is on the door!

We have someone to video both the Friday night rehearsal and Sunday’s performance – there is no need for you to video or take photos at all. NO PHOTOGRAPHY OR VIDEO RECORDING IN THE THEATER OR BALCONY! We want you to sit back and enjoy the show! DVDs of the performance will be available for a small fee when they are ready after the performance.

The general guidelines for make up are: Brown eye shadow, black eye liner, black mascara, pink cheeks and red lips.Younger dancers should at least have eyeshadow, blush and lipstick – you can determine how much eye makeup you put on your little ones. Full instructions are attached and linked to below.

Any dancer who is a flower or in Level IV or V should wear false eyelashes. Apply these AFTER all your powder.

The last few dates and times you need to know are:

FRIDAY MAY 9TH TECH/DRESS REHEARSAL: 6:30-9:30 PM in Clinton at the Town Hall (directions on the link below and attached). There will be healthy refreshments available for your dancer (as long as you sign up to bring them!).  Please arrive 15 minutes early in hair and makeup, with your nude leotard and tights.

If you are available to help iron costumes on Friday night, please arrive at 5:15 while the floor is being set up to do so. Let us know if you are coming – we desperately need help with this!

SUNDAY MAY 11TH PERFORMANCE: Arrive with hair and make up, nude leotard and tights on and ready! There will be a warmup lead by Diana at 1:45pm.

Ballet I-V Cast Call:  1:30 p.m.

Pre Ballet I and III Cast Call 2:00

SHOW AT 3PM !!! The house will open at 2:30PM.

Tickets are still available at the studio, $15 for adults, $10 for children.

When Alice in Wonderland concludes, there will be a brief intermission with refreshments for sale. If your dancer is NOT performing in the second half of the performance after intermission, there will be a seat saved in the first few rows for your dancer. NO PARENTS IN THOSE FIRST FEW ROWS!!!!!

There is NO CLASS for either Pre Ballet on Friday, May 9th or Saturday, May 10th. We will do our best to dismiss Pre Ballet students from the Friday night rehearsal at a reasonable time- hopefully 8:00pm.

There is also NO CLASS for all 3 of Shannon’s Friday classes.

Directions to Andrews Memorial Town Hall Theater

Starship Stage Make Up Guidelines 2014

I know that was a lot of information but I’m trying to be ahead of the game and organized so as questions arrive, hopefully they are already answered. This information will also be posted on our blog so you can refer to that for help too!

Let’s have a great show week and performance!

– Gigi